Looking for engineering classess or personal coaching classess?

A class where quality of education is the first priority and provides the same with its highly qualified team of professors(with INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE).
A different way to learn where theoretical studies is explained with practical experiments making it simple to understand.


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Test and Assesment

We prioritise and take chapter wise tests with semester and annual pattern too.Which enables teachers as well as Students to brush up their uncleared topics.

Technical facilities

We strive hard to ensure students understand everything and so we provide Audio-Visual lectures Practicals for required subjects and topics Conducted drone session for students to enhance teaching and learning experience Online video conferencing with experts and Proffessionals to clear doubts and queries.

Extra curricular activities/ Cultural programs

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy We conduct activities like Indoor Sports and games Annual picnic Farewell to bid aides to our lovelies.